A boilerplate to create Universal React Application.
A boilerplate to create Universal React Application.
With Universal React App, the development and deployment of a React application will be in a short time without struggling with Babel, Webpack, hot reload, SSR, etc. Everything is set up and all you need to do is coding. Additionally, the boilerplate provides configurations for advanced users to grant more flexibility if needed.
So what is Universal React App exactly?
Universal React App is a React application provides both client side and server side running within a repository. It has the ability to run a complete and independent service, which supports server-side rendering, routing, database models, API calls. The client side is based on React as the front-end framework, Webpack as the bundler and Babel as the transpiler with the help of Jest and Enzyme for unit and integration testing. On the server side, there is no limitation on which programming language, database and technology stack is used.
Although the current stack is Node and Express, our roadmap is to allow back-end languages as many as possible, such as Python and Java. In other words, a Universal React App can be used in a variety of technology stacks and you choose the best stack based on the advantages and disadvantages and the context of the application. For example, you can choose to run the server using Java and MySQL as the database in your restaurant application. The only thing unchanged is the role of React and Webpack which serve as the core of this boilerplate.