
A boilerplate to create Universal React Application.

View the Project on GitHub rezo-labs/universal-react-app

Table of Contents


Front-end Introduction

Client-side source code contains app. An app has an index.js file which is the root file for the web application, you shouldn’t edit this file unless you are sure what you are doing.

The components folder holds most of the client-side source code that all React components reside. The root component of the React VDOM tree is App, it is import directly by index.js. This again should not be changed, you should write your components below this component.

Additionally, the boilerplate has styled-component and react-helmet built-in features to handle CSS styling and head tags respectively. The GlobalStyle and Head components are the two built-in components. The first one is for handling with global CSS styles, e.g. setting fonts, heading styles, html and body styles. The second is for declaring tags to render inside head tag, such as title, meta, link, script, etc.

CLI Commands

These CLI commands will help you to do various tasks for you and you don’t have to do anything else.

npm start

npm run lint

npm run test:client

npm run test:server

npm test

npm run test:open:client

npm run test:open:server

npm run test:open

npm run test:clean:client

npm run test:clean:server

npm run test:clean

npm run build

npm run node

npm run new-component

npm run storybook

npm run setup


Configurations are needed for customizing your project. The file config.js provide various of configurations to make your project more flexible and manageable.



Added in: v0.1.0. Removed in: v1.5.0

Specify which app to run if multiple apps are presented.



Added in: v1.0.0

The port number on which the Node.js server listens upon startup. This port is used on both development and production mode. Although this config variable gives the server a static port number, we can still change it by setting the PORT environment variable.



Added in: v1.0.0

The port used by Webpack Dev Server, used only on development mode.



Added in: v1.3.0

Indicate server-side rendering mode, used only on development mode. The build command does not care about this option to prevent accidentally turning SSR off. On development mode, SSR would be enabled if either this option is true or by using the -s option.



Added in: v1.1.0

Contains all global constants which you can use inside the source code. Before v1.1.0, it was replaced by API_URL which is the global URL for making AJAX requests. Since v1.1.0, API_URL was moved into globals to enable declaring more global constants.



Added in: v1.2.0

Babel configuration for transpiling JS. It is used to replace .babelrc file.

Dist structure

The dist directory contains all files for deployment. It includes both client-side and server-side code. It may also contains reports for ESlint and Bundle Analyzer Plugin. There are some important files and directories in a ready-for-production dist directory:

Build a Docker image

Docker is used for containerizing all of the production assets into a single image and then deploying to the server.

To build a Docker image, you first have Docker installed on your machine or your build environment. The installation and documentation can be found here and here. We recommend you to first look at these resources unless you have already used Docker.

The Docker image for our app will include all assets from the dist directory and package.json. The package.json is included to install all non-dev dependencies from NPM, these dependencies are necessary to run our Node.js server.

Here is a list of example CLI command to build and run our app using Docker:

# Build the app
docker build -t <tag-name> .
# Ex: docker build -t URA .

# Run the app
docker run -p <public-port>:<node-port> -d <tag-name>
# Ex: docker run -p 80:3000 -d URA
# Using environment variable
docker run -p <public-port>:<node-port> -d -e PORT=<node-port> <tag-name>
# Ex: docker run -p 443:4000 -d -e PORT=4000 URA